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This a Slow Food Ark of Taste Variety-meaning an amazing garlic variety that is on the verge of being extinct. We are one of the few farms on record to grow heirloom-variety organic seed in the world! It is also one of the oldest softnecks on record. It is our absolute favorite zippy garlic. This is an artichoke variety softneck. Very smooth and then intense heat and full of garlic zest! Keeps it's heat cooked as well. A favorite for spicy dishes or on salmon, pork and chicken or in a marinade-adds kicked to your steamed veggies too! We love it in our hot pickles and salsa. We have the best customer feedback on this varietal from those that like it hot. Robustly hot, but enjoyable cooked or raw.

This stores for up to 8-9 months. Seed quality and Non-GMO. Limited quantities. Sold by the pound. Ships in the Fall. Limited quantities available.

ARK of TASTE Inchelium Red

Out of Stock


    2175 W. 130TH ST



    Hours by appointment only

    Farm Market dates and Garlic event locations will be listed on our calendar 


    (440) 227-2409

    (330) 329-2880


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